Wednesday 15 August 2012


Good Morning Asia!!!! How are you all this morning? salaam alaykum, I'm in Asian mode cos I checked my blog statistics last night and it turns out that most of my readership is by those of the Orient. Orientalism is fundamentally a political doctrine willed over the Orient because they were weaker than the West. Although this has shifted now to third world places such as Africa. This collides with a more modern stance to explai what Etienne Balibar had called 'Orientalism' which was in a thought up in a time when Britain had a huge number of colonies. Strange however that so many of these countries which had campaigned for independence seem to be now in the midst of post-colonialism where essentially the peoples of previously colonised nations decide to return to Britain because they hold a belief that life will be better here than it was was where they came from. Which in most cases I assume is the case. I have no problem with immigration really. Taking care of 'our own' seems stupid and outdated and now because benefits have gone ridiculous and there are people that don't work and just bleed the system dry. I'd rather have people come over that are happy to work and will try hard to better themselves rather than those shits that just live off benefits when they don't need them, sit around, pull their bar, binge drink, beat their kids and wife and take drugs. Admittedly Britain may still be great and generally better than it has been in the past and the Jubilee and Olympics that were 2 things that were great for the country this year, a stark contrast from the riots last year. Despite the complaints I have been making in this blog, the more I think about my own life and I'm thinking, where is 'Broken Britain' David? Because right now I can't see it. But in fairness I don't live in Moss Side. Anyway, I hope you all have had a great Wednesday. Peace and Love

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