Thursday 9 August 2012


I'm going to try and tell you today about my weekend. On Friday I went rock-climbing with my friend Haider. He's new to it and I practically was considering that I've lost my climbing shoes and all my gear. It was my first time back in about a year and it showed. Crazy Martin isn't on the train again, I hope its just that he got a car and not that he's been taken ill, not because I actually like him deep-down but rather because I don't want to be writing a blog about a man who isn't well. That's not cool. I have a new character to write about today though. There's another man who gets my train with hair that looks like it has potential to be Richard Branson-esque were he to wash it at some point. He has eyes that look like they've been open far too long, but I don't think that is because of choice but rather that they have been kept open by something. He has skin that is so red naturally that is appears to have the potential to burst if he ever broke into a sprint. But I suppose that's why he's on the train. I hope I never see him running for the train and subsequently witness his head pop. I think he's a tramp. But it's hard to say because I've never herd him speak and I only have to go on the fact that he always wears the same outfit, but so does my mate Alex and he lives in a house. I'm at Styal train station now. My sister works here and the work she does is really good and pretty flipping impressive. The ticket guard also just checked everyones ticket in my vicinity except mine. See there are other perks to blogging other than just giving me an excuse not to talk to people. Don't get me wrong I like talking to people, so long as they aren't weird, not funny, hard to look at or anything else unpleasant. Unless they have a funny voice, in which case all of the above are void. Oh my goodness the hot air vents under the seats just came on and it felt like the tramp had started playing footsy with me. Wow that's a load off my mind because it isn't PHEW, and that hot air is divine. But for now I'm one stop away so I'll have to sign off now. Peace and Love x

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