Wednesday 1 August 2012


Hello, I've decided to start writing this because I'm sat opposite my train 'friend' Crazy Martin and I hate him. He's touching his crotch at the minute and biting himself and we're sat at the airport. Today at work I started off with not much to do but with Rory back off his holidays I was quickly swamped! But its 10 past 6 at the minute and I'm sat in Manchester Airport on my train which takes flipping ages! I much prefer getting a lift with Luke, although he is an absolute mentalist, properly mad but hilarious. Sometimes when we started working together I'd be doing something on my laptop and look up to just see that he's been sat there for the last 10 minutes with his middle finger up to me or rubbing his nipples. However its now become more of a sort of game where we play to see who can swear at who without the other seeing so sometimes I'll walk out the loo for example and just see that He's been stood there with his middle finger at the door. James Jr has started to stop calling me 'scrotum' as much as he did when we started. Francis got back this week from his holiday in Cyprus which is coincidentally according to my Nanan the reason for why I tan so easily because although my Grandpa wasn't always incredibly bronzed, he spent an awfully long time in Cyprus with the RAF and since then he just tans like a madman and so do I and my Mum. I like listening to music when I'm travelling, I think thats the main reason why I hate Crazy Martin so much cos he tries to talk to me and make me laugh... that and the fact that he has crazy eyes and likes to bite his eczema and eat it, disgusting. I think there's something very therapeutic about listening to music so loudly that you drown out the stresses of the day for thirty minutes in the morning and evening. Probably could be doing something more productive with my time but I guess I just sometimes prefer a chill with bon iver or to kick it with something more upbeat. I just saw a plane flying SO LOW. Pretty sure it was easyjet. The other day Pat who I work with asked me what my day was consisting of and I replied, "just a few things all at once" and we both concurred that that is what causes stress we think. Because you can go on holiday or have a day off but that just means that when you come back you can definitely count on there being a few things that will come all at once and you can plan for them but theres very little chance that you'll be able to avoid there being stress because of it. I am just assuming this from other people that I see however because I am certainly not stressed. I like those days when you're able to reflect and just think about how good you have it. I'm sure I'll have a lot of those days when I'm in Indonesia teaching orphans English this summer. Anywho Fix Up Look Sharp has just come on and we're nearly at my station. Probably see you tomorrow unless Luke gives me a lift and farts in the car and hot-boxes it again. Yesterdays car journey smelt that a rotting pigeon being eaten by a slightly larger pigeon. You wouldn't last an hour in my shoe.

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