Thursday 9 August 2012


Again I'm on the train with no cash, kind of sorted out how to not get caught now but it's never an exact science. Therefore placing myself at this side of the train with the ticket guard closest to me is an extremely dangerous strategy as there is a large chance that he may want to check my ticket (which of course doesn't exist). I know I mentioned this last time but I'm just so pleased with my discovery. I am a train king. YESTERDAYS TRAMP ISN'T A TRAMP!!! Just seen him getting on the train and he has a new outfit on. Well not a new outfit. Just new compared to that old disgusting fake burberry woollen fleece he usually wears. Now this is where my plan of where to sit on the train really comes. Because I've been at the end with the ticket guard, the train switches round at Manchester airport. So that I'm at the end with the train driver. Genius. 

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