Tuesday 14 August 2012


Sorry its been a while guys, it's only because I was away this weekend at a meeting for my trip to Indonesia this coming Sunday! And then I went to the Saturday and Sunday of a Christian festival called 'Detling' because that's the village where it's based. Although some people just simply call it 'Godfest'. A reason why my blog is slacking a bit is because either Crazy Martin has either died, got a car, or changed his working hours. Or he's just been fired again. I've realised that when you pull into the airport, in oe of the walls with the grooves there is what appears to be a tteabag that someone has thrown at the wall and it's got stuck. This isn't a new thing either. It's probably been there  since before I started work I just not have noticed it. It has reminded me however of what 45% of my working day today will involve, tea. How can these people even drink so much tea?! They'll happily have a coffee from Costa and then want a tea immediately after, Isn't one hot drink enough for you people?? Guy I'm opposite on the train today looks like Toad of Toad Hall, except in a pin-stripe suit. I'm not sure if thats meant to be hyphenated. Oh well I'll roll with it. #roomforlife. Frank is coming on Thursday so it all has to be bang on. Poo Thursday is results day as well. My entire life boiils down to Thursday, I'm not goin Uni so it's not as important as it is for some people but I don't know how long I've spent in education but it seems like a long time so it all comes down to this. BBC would be great for me I think. Bombay. Anyway I'm one stop away from work, kraftwerk, so it's time for me to sign off. Robots, Autobahn, Fathers of modern electro, greatness.   

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