Saturday 4 August 2012


Friday at last thank goodness. I'm sat at East Didsbury train station at the minute. About 15 minutes early for the train but I wasn't going to have a repeat of yesterday! The lady sat next me is definitely going to Alderley, how could I know that? 2 reasons, one is that she looks like she's had enough botox to feed a small African village, if they could eat botox... what even is botox? It's not ladies bums is it? Oh well, I don't do biology. The second reason is that its the Alderley Edge train. I am also relatively certain that trains do not need drivers. I think they'd benefit from a system where you just plug it in and say where it has to go and then let it do its own thing. My Mum and Dad got home yesterday afternoon and had left me alone in the house for the first time in a very long time as I have broken the trust in the past but I'm proud to declare that it has been restored.Oh well, that's all water under the bridge now. Or in my case, that's all garlc bread on the walls "BRING ON THE WALL!!" My sunglasses still haven't been delivered. I really want to go hula bar tonight, not been in ages and its the best, and is especially great for big Alex Brrown's birthday. Quality night despite the fact that he proceeded to ruin it. Not for himself but me. But he did pull a weiird small chinese girl apparently "WHENYOULEAVE?".
I'm positive that blogs aren't really for the purposes of describing ones own life experiences in as little detail as possible so I will try to think of an intellectual subject and shall then proceed to write about my views on it. even though I can't expect that anyone with half an opinion of their own will really care in the slightest.  
I've nearly finished my train journey now though so the deep and meaningful blogs will have to commence later today or tomorrow. Please also note now that anything I say on here is not affiliated with the company I work for and  as they come straight from my head to paper I very well may be wrong in what I'm saying and if it's ever religious spiel I cannot guarantee that it will align perfectly with biblical teachings or the teachings of any other religious but I'll probably be pretty close. Speak again once I have something to say. Peace and Love x
Hello again, I'm on the train home now, such a long day I can't believe it. Spent the morning being a grumpy bastard  cos Luke didn't like my shirt and we had a little argument then allowed each other to punch the others arms. Could scarcely believe I was in a proper working environment. It felt like year 8 again but this time I was getting paid for it and then the afternoon came and my sunglasses arrived, the sun came out and the whole afternoon picked up. I just got a call off Haider asking me if I fancy going climbing. I'm not that keen on goin now cos I'm so tired but it'll be great both to see him and to go climbing again after such a long time! No doubt in my mind that I'll be a lot worse than I was last time I went, never really reached that peak again tho since I broke my arm which is disappointing. We're just pulling into Manchester Airport now which is the most annoying thing about getting the train home because it always takes an absolute age before it leaves. Crazy Martin in doing his daily ritual of rubbing between his thighs and biting the backs of his eczema-ridden hands and in between his fingers, whilst the scarring on his face is staring at me with always as much intensity as his actual eyes. You may all imagine Crazy Martin to be an old man but he isn't behind the bags under his eyes and eyebrows that are so thick that the idea of plucking them must seem a very distant memory I do think that Crazy Martin is about 42-45 years old. I also really don't like him because he comes out with such nonsense and as James Jr says "never bullshit a bullshitter, and I am a bullshitter" and the same principle applies here. He told me when I asked him last weekend what he'd been up to he replied by telling me that he went for a pint on the friday at around 7 and didn't end up getting home until the Sunday evening. Which is utter nonsense because he has kids and a wife, no chance Mrs Crazy Martin would permit such a wild partying from a well respected family man, minus the well respected. I hate vulnerability. I hate when you open yourself up to someone and although you know it won't be reciprocal you look like a twat cos you'll just keep trying. Finally left Manchester Airport! Champion! I love listening to the 'Drive' soundtrack on the way home because it is real motion music and I feel so sick when I listen to it. The main reason is though that it reminds me of Ryan Gosling who is just really cool. That idea I had this morning that I'd try and blog about topical things really didn't pull off. Right, one stop until home. time for me to sign off for the day and start enjoying my short time to myself. again, Peace and Love x (by the way I'm going to start trying to make 'Peace and Love x' my new blog thing. Just a bit of a test run today tho really...) Peace and Love x

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