Thursday 2 August 2012


Good morning blog. I'm not with Crazy Martin this morning but strangely thats not my own decision. I let public transport dictate that decision for me! I always get the bus to the train at 20 to 8 but today it didnt come so I had to sprint and now I'm sweating and stinking out the bus I've had to get making it smell like Luke Scott's car. On the plus side, on this route I get to drive past the houses of some of my favourite childhood/early adult life friends. I'm talking about people like Jake, Joe, Haider, The Webbs. I think you know someone is close when you can sort of not see them for ages and then when you do see them you just pick off exactly where you left off. I am however also driving past a house at the minute that reminds me of something unpleasant but we won't get into that. Oh and Harriette H's!! I remember when Roy was in there and threw up and had a bit of chicken hanging off his chin, brutal! This summer me and my Dad invested in an album entitled something along the lines of "Greatest American Driving songs" or some such nonsense but it was a fantastic album, and it was on that drive down to Devon that I really listened to 'America' by Simon & Garfunkel and it was really top draw. The lyrics are so vivid and true that you totally understand how Paul Simon feels about Kathy. Schimzen I have a feeling I'll be pretty darn late for work today! It's just so much more irritating when I think about how it wasn't my fault and that it was totally unavoidable. Only way it could have been avoided would have been if I'd left at half past but that seemed ludicrous considering I thought I was getting a bus! This journey and Crazy Martin must constitute conclusive proof that I do need to learn to drive as soon as possible. I have my second lesson next Monday. Don't even have any deodorant with me and I'm sweating my back out over here. Bare in mind it's not as bad as Will or Sweeney. Don't understand how you could possibly sweat through an american apparel hoody in the middle of winter! Madness. This week is going pretty fast all things considered, get to go to a stag do this weekend for the first time since I started being a 'man' (I put that in inverted not because I might not be a man, but because the guys at work call me 'kid' or 'ki' cos they're Irish). I'm baffled and bemused at the fact that I left my house at 7.38 and am still not at work, that was an HOUR ago, AN HOUR! Where even am I, I think I'm in a council estate designated for Chinese people that have probably been told this is London and to enjoy the Olympics. I must say however that I have been loving the Olympics, never been the best at any sports really but I love seeing really talented athletes like Michael Phelps, Beth Tweddle and Bradley Wiggins I say Beth Tweddle because her routine on bars is just the sickest thing going. Anyway I'll leave you there and will hopefully tell you about my day on the train home or if I can't then definitely tomorrow morning when I'll hopefully be on the train.

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